We are your fellow pump chasers, 1 rep max crushers on a mission to become the best versions of ourselves physically and mentally.

Much like you,

…we are obsessed with bodybuilding.

…we are obsessed with putting those gloves on and going toe-to-toe with someone or the heavy bag to learn to defend ourselves.

…we love looking good for the Insta, but more importantly feeling good, courageous and resilient to deal with the daily stresses of our modern lives.

We are already ahead of the mass populous that rely on drugs, alcohol, pornography and other vices to cope with their daily life challenges.

Unlike most people, we have the privilege to take the path of self-care instead of self-deprecation.

That being said, the path of self-care comes with it’s own challenges.

Challenges that are a direct result of the affluent, modern, comfortable and hyper-convenient lives we live today.

Our food these days are no longer as nutrient dense and healthy as it used to be many decades back.

Our fast food is filled with chemicals that make us addicted to it so that, we keep buying them when we are hungry.

…and slowly, voluntarily, happily kill ourselves in the process, in exchange for the five second pleasure it brings.

The products we use today have endocrine disruptors that alter our genetic makeup due to our prolonged usage of them.

Our water supply has been contaminated with harmful chemicals that covertly affects us mentally and physically.

Our toxic work environments and the mainstream media waged war on our minds causing a myriad of mental disorders that keeps us prisoners of our own minds.

In short, we voluntarily chose to destroy the natural resources and harmony of the world, in pursuit of a man-made object. Money!

An object that you and I can’t create.

An object which loses it’s value over time.

and, the end result?

We have a generation of people who are weak, depressed and rely on big pharma medicine to feel good, which leads to more side effects and health complications.

Our daily products with endocrine disruptors, masculinizes women and feminizes men.

Studies have shown that the average man’s, hand grip strength and sperm count has gone down considerably low, over the past 50 years because of these environmental stressors.

On the flip side, the hand grip strength of women have gone up, as endocrine disruptors have clearly masculinised women over the decades.

Our work environments and corporate structures have become so toxic and psychotic, that it uses fear as a tool to inspire productivity which raises our stress levels chronically, paving way to an array of physical and mental health issues.

I’m sure you can relate.

Furthermore, these chronic stress affects our inter-personal relationships at home, which in turn cause our families to be dysfunctional.

Family is the nucleus of a well functioning society. If the family is dysfunctional, then society follows suite.

The Solution? Personal responsibility and accountability.

The problem we have in society is so deep, that superficial changes like being careful about the products you buy or just watching what you eat, just won’t cut it anymore.

This problem has grown and festered in our society as a silent cancer for decades, because of the capital gains it brought to the pockets of the few.

It is time that we took personal responsibility for our lives.

We believe there are 3 main aspects to one’s life. Health, Wealth and Relationships.

If you can have these 3 aspects of your life in balance, you can achieve a dramatically higher quality of life.

The amazing thing of working on fixing each of these aspect of life is that the results and positive effects of one aspect snow-balls into other areas of your life, causing an upward spiral to a higher quality of life.

Phase 1 is to fix your health, by getting all the proper nutrition and stay consistent with your training, so that you can feel your absolute best.

Phase 2 is to get your wealth in order, using the energy, habits and discipline you had adopted to make progress with your health.

Phase 3 is to get your relationships in order, which will effortlessly because of the health and vitality you gain from better health and the progress you make in your wealth creation pursuits.

Most supplement brands are focused only on the superficial aspect of fitness.

Their goal is to make as much money as possible for as long as possible, until you get results or quit due to lack of results or motivation.

Reborn Supplements is in the business of transforming lives, and supplements are just a medium by which we choose to do it.

In order to assist you with your personal life transformation, we offer supplements and our crown jewel product, Reborn Fitness Tracking App which gives you the ability to track your workouts and nutrition.

To get you started, we are offering you 12 Week Workouts for Strength, Bulking and Shredding to get you in the best shape of your lives in one year.

Furthermore, we have partnered with highly qualified online personal trainers so that, at any step of the way should you need assistance in terms of getting personalized workouts, they’ll be able to help you.

If you are still on the fence, here are…

some facts about our supplements
some facts about our manufacturing facilities

The results that you obtain from using our supplements, will give you enough motivation to stay focused on your path of self-improvement.

This discipline will help you improve your wealth and relationships in the long run to have a higher quality of life.

Expect new levels of energy, performance, strength, stamina and endurance to face anything that life throws at you.

Expect to surpass all your mental and physical limits.

Expect to be Reborn!

Choose Your Mission

Strength & Power